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like siBlings dat God 'forgot' to giVe us

like siBlings dat God 'forgot' to giVe us
kaMi bukaN budaK seK0laH laGi

Saturday, October 2, 2010

My Best Friend

Hye all...lame dah cik kembang x tulis kt cnie...cik jelita pown dah start tulis kt cnie...cik kembang takde nak cerita ape2 sgt this time...just nak cerita something yg related dgn tittle di atas tu ye...

cerita die start mcm nie, time kelas english last week, lecturer cik kembang suruh kteowg tulis satu perenggan essay coz kteowg blaja cara-cara nak tulis essay...then, she give us 3 choices of tittle...1)My Bestfriend  2)My Friend 3) My, dgn automaticnye cik kembang terus choose tittle My Bestfriend coz cik kembang mmg byk idea nk tulis pasal bestfriend cik, cik kembang saje la nk share essay cik kembang nie...cik kembang rasa proud la coz dpt express feeling cik kembang towards bestfriend cik kembang in the form of, nie la die perenggan essay cik kembang


Everyone in this world has a best friend.  I also have a best friend.  Her name is Lyana.  I love her very much because she is kind and beautiful.  Futhermore, we share a lot of same interests.  She loves everything that I love and the same thing go to me.  We enjoy sharing everything such as stories and problems.  However, sometimes we do have fights because of misunderstandings.. But it would not be long.  After some time, we will be fine again as usual.  Every weekend, we will hang out together, talk and laugh happily.  We really have many similarities from our appearance until behaviour.  For this reason, people always think that we are twins although we are not.

Ha, sampai situ jew essay cik kembang.  Tak sempat habiskan.lecturer cik kembang dah suruh stop.  Sori la ye, bab grammar nie mmg cik kembang lomah sikit.  Berterabur ayat cik kembang.  Tapi, takpe lah, cik kembang tetap rase satisfied giler coz dpt tulis something about best friend cik kembang.  So, di kesempatan ini(mcm nk bg ucapan raye plk,huhu), cik kembang nk bgtwu kt bestfriend cik kembang, siti nurellyana yg cik kembang sgt syg kt dy...begitu juga dgn bestfrien cik kembang yg laen iaitu zafirah, siti hajar, nur sakinah and nur syahidah yg cik kembang syg giler kt diowg..susah nk jumpa kwn-kwn sebest diowg...diowg la yg paling best skali dlm idup cik kembang...kalo cik kembang boley siapkan satu essay nie, cik kembang akan cerita sume pasal bestfriend cik kembang dlm essay nie...okey la, tu jew...nanti bila-bile cik kembang continue lg ye...tata~
-cik kembang-


Anonymous said...

ak konpius r weh..mne 1 post yg cet tulis,mne plak post yg tib tulis...huhuhu

Anonymous said...

thanx my dear..xsake tittle uh ak ingat 4 kte berenam..pape pon..thanxs a lots to u cz alwys never boring support n been in my side..really appreciate all moments we had share togehther from form 1...n jgn lpe.kte dlu pernah nak berkwn dpd darjah 4 melalui surat fatimah..ingat x??hehe


hsyh...penat ak post tentg siti kemabg jelita uh..nme uh ikut turutan dpd kiri..means..mok>cik siti..tib>cik kembang..cet>cik jelita..hehehe