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like siBlings dat God 'forgot' to giVe us

like siBlings dat God 'forgot' to giVe us
kaMi bukaN budaK seK0laH laGi

Sunday, October 31, 2010

......I'M DEAD!

owh tidak!
matilah saye...
anatomy sangat susah..
saye tak pasti saye jawab dgn baik or tak..
setelah ditetliti,banyak misconcept yg saye buat rupa-rupanye..
saye tak mau repeat..
saye tak sanggup nak menghadapinye lagi..
saye tak nak susahkan hati ibu dan ayah saye
Ya Allah,tolonglah bagi saye lulus...
saye nak lulus jew..
lulus jew pown cukuplah...
tolonglah saye...
saye sangat takowt nie...
saye janji akan menjadi seowg budak yg baik
tak mau nakal-nakal lagi..
tolonglah saye ye....

Monday, October 25, 2010


Lagu baru from snsd, Hoot! menarik...


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It's another love thing...

Hey,know what?
I love 10/10/10
because it was the happiest day i have
because now i know that i'm not b'tepuk sebelah tangan
and what happened after that?
all my days suddenly become so beautiful,wonderful,great and perfect
why they become so great?
Of course it's great when you know that the one that u've been crazy on and make ur days in mess yet happy is the one that feel the same way as you feel
 the full story?
oopss,sorry,i cannot tell the's the great secret in my whole life..hehe
what i want to say right now?
i love you and that's the fact i've been kept for quite a long time and i'm not sure whether you realize it or not because i'm keeping it perfectly cute and this is the first time i know that my crush also have a crush on me   
my feeling?
very great,cute and unimagined wonderful

  cet & tib forever

Give it to me love baby,i love you
Give it to me love baby,i need you
Give it to me love baby,i want you
There's only one thing I want to be
To be your one and only doll

      cik kembang      

Friday, October 8, 2010

hanYa DIA sjE yg taU

huh..entah la..sejak 2 menjak nie..ak mudah rase letih..penat kot..pas s2..s2 ak kne pkir..sume nye tentg my study..something yg amat merunsingkan ak..=S
cmnie ctenye..act ak nie sorg y agk mlas la..bukan malas mmg jarang la nak nampak ak study ats meja lau bukan de test or quiz..lately..sem nie la wat ak risau sgt..ak slalu study last minit..bygkan sok de test..mlmny ak leyh lak bring2..xd wat pape..sgt2 buang masa dek krane ak mlas sgt..n kwn2 ak sume tdo lambt study ak..tdo awal..n xde nye ak stay up..then pg pd ari nak test bru ak nak terkedek2 lepas subuh study..smpai la test..then..y ak heran..result ak mmg cm diluar jagkaan la..lau korg tgok result ak..xmcam ak ni xstudy..act ag tggi markah2 nye dpd kwn2 ak y study malm2..keyh2..ak bukan nak riak..ak jujur sgt2..ak ble dpt result g2..tiap kali!!ak akn rase resah sgt..
n ak akn terus tertanye2..ap la dugaan yg Allah akn berikan pd ak d sebalik sume kgembiraan y ak ad skrg nie..d sebalik result2 ak y ak rase ak xlyak dpt cm ak xrajin cm kwn2 ak..then ble ak luah kat kwn2 ak..dorg kte..'ko len el..ko jenis cepat pick up..tdo2 pon result gempak'..ak xske ayat uh!!!!cz ak rase sifat mlas ak nie xsetimpal ngan pe y ak ad..ak akui..ak jenis cepat pham concept n ble study last minit ak cepat y ak rase skrg nie kejayaan n kegembiraan yg ak dpt ni terlalu mudah..n lau nak kte ak nie jenis rajin wat solat sunat..hajat sume..mmg xla..rase jauh sgt ngan DIA..kdg2 rase cm nak nages sgt2 ble pkir bertapa teruknye ak..n bertape leka nye ak ngan nikmat y DIA berikan.........
n n0w..ak tgh lahan2 ubah diri ak nie..perbetulkan ap y xbetul..n cbe tuk jdik y lebih bek..n yg paling penting ak nak usaha tuk dlm diri ak nie dekat ngan DIA n bersihkn diri ak nie....
lastly..ak sentiasa doa.ak dpt maintance kan performance study ak n s2 je matlamat ak..ak nak wat parents ak menitis kan air mata kegembiraan ble ak grad with dean's list in all 6sem..bukan ak nak bajet2..etak2!!act ak xkesah ak smbung degree or trus keje ke ap..yg penting matlamat utama ak kat diploma nie..uh je..ak nak tgok parents ak tgok ak nek ak nak sgt2 tebus blek sgale kesilapan n kekecewaan parents ak tyme ak sk menengah dlu..uh je..uh la y watkan ak usaha sgt2 abeskn dip nie ngan maintain dean's list..andai kate ak xdpt realisasikan impian ak nie..pape pon ak xkan give up n myb uh bukan rezeki ak n ak kn teruskan tuk wat s2 ag impian atau target s2 pencapaian or A BIG SUPRISE FOR THEM y kn wat kan segale penat lelah dorg selame nie terbalas..ak harap..doa korg sentiase mengiringi ak..amin..........

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

++Aduan Saya++

Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Awak, cik kembang nk mengadu
Minggu ni cik kembang ingat nk keluar jln2 ngn housemates cik kembang
Tapi kan, mereka sume nk keluar ngn boyfriend...cik kembang nk keluar ngn sape?
cik kembang sedih..sume nk keluar ngn pakwe, takde sape nk keluar ngn cik kembang...sob3
biase la tu, fitrah kehidupan manusia kan
Td bestfriend cik kembang post something yg romantik gitu kt blog boyfriend dy
kenape sume owg sibuk ngn boyfriend nie???
siapa yg nk pedulikan cik kembang lg kalo everyone dah bz ngn boyfriend??
skali lg cik kembang menangis...sob3...

'Gee' Japanese version
latest from snsd nie taw..nnti cik kembang letak mv dy

Awak, cik kembang nk bgtwu something boleh?
Tp janji taw jgn bgtwu owg lain
cik kembang suka die la awak
mcm mana nie ek?
cik kembang since dulu mmg mcm nie
asyik skodeng owg je, tp takut nk cakap
tak sudah2 asyik jadi secret admirer je 
nak cakap tu je
jgn bocorkan secret saye taw
diam2 je ye
ok la, cik kembang nak siapkan presentation economy n titas 
kena present next week

-cik kembang version jiwang-

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

IF by Taeyeon SNSD

Why can't you see me?? (T_T)

layan jiwang plk...hahaha~

layan jew la ea~~

Sunday, October 3, 2010

the sweet escape

Gwen Stefani - The Sweet To Escape 

If I could escape I would but,
First of all, let me say
I must apologize for acting stank & treating you this way
Cause I've been acting like sour milk all on the floor
It's your fault you didn't shut the refrigerator
Maybe that's the reason I've been acting so cold?

If I could escape & recreate a place that's my own world
& I could be your favourite girl (forever), Perfectly together
Tell me boy now wouldn't that be sweet? (sweet escape)
If I could be sweet, I know I've been a real bad girl (I'll try to change)
I didn't mean for you to get hurt (whatsoever)
We can make it better, Tell me boy wouldn't that be sweet? (sweet escape)

I want to get away, to our sweet escape
I want to get away, yeah

You held me down, I'm at my lowest boiling point
Come help me out, I need to get me out of this joint
Come on let's bounce, counting on you to turn me around
Instead of clowning around, let's look for some common ground
So baby, times get a little crazy
I've been gettin' a little lazy, waitin' on you to come save me
I can see that you're angry by the way that you treat me
Hopefully you don't leave me, wanted you with me

If I could escape & recreate a place that's my own world
& I could be your favourite girl (forever), Perfectly together
& tell me boy now wouldn't that be sweet? (sweet escape)
If I could be sweet (sorry boy)
I know I've been a real bad girl (I'll try to change)
I didn't mean for you to get hurt (whatsoever)
We can make it better
& tell me boy now wouldn't that be sweet? (sweet escape)

Woohoo, Yeehoo
Woohoo, Yeehoo (If I could escape)
Woohoo, yeehoo (If I could escape)
Woohoo, Yeehoo

Cause I've been acting like sour milk all on the floor
It's your fault you didn't shut the refrigerator
Maybe that's the reason I've been acting so cold?

If I could escape & recreate a place that's my own world
& I could be your favourite girl (forever), Perfectly together
& tell me boy now wouldn't that be sweet? (sweet escape)
If I could be sweet (sorry boy)
I know I've been a real bad girl (I'll try to change)
I didn't mean for you to get hurt (whatsoever)
We can make it better
& tell me boy now wouldn't that be sweet? (sweet escape)

Woohoo, Yeehoo (I wanna get away, get away)
Woohoo, Yeehoo (To our sweet escape)
Woohoo, Yeehoo (I wanna get away)
Woohoo, Yeehoo (Yeah)
Woohoo, Yeehoo
Woohoo, Yeehoo

Saturday, October 2, 2010

My Best Friend

Hye all...lame dah cik kembang x tulis kt cnie...cik jelita pown dah start tulis kt cnie...cik kembang takde nak cerita ape2 sgt this time...just nak cerita something yg related dgn tittle di atas tu ye...

cerita die start mcm nie, time kelas english last week, lecturer cik kembang suruh kteowg tulis satu perenggan essay coz kteowg blaja cara-cara nak tulis essay...then, she give us 3 choices of tittle...1)My Bestfriend  2)My Friend 3) My, dgn automaticnye cik kembang terus choose tittle My Bestfriend coz cik kembang mmg byk idea nk tulis pasal bestfriend cik, cik kembang saje la nk share essay cik kembang nie...cik kembang rasa proud la coz dpt express feeling cik kembang towards bestfriend cik kembang in the form of, nie la die perenggan essay cik kembang


Everyone in this world has a best friend.  I also have a best friend.  Her name is Lyana.  I love her very much because she is kind and beautiful.  Futhermore, we share a lot of same interests.  She loves everything that I love and the same thing go to me.  We enjoy sharing everything such as stories and problems.  However, sometimes we do have fights because of misunderstandings.. But it would not be long.  After some time, we will be fine again as usual.  Every weekend, we will hang out together, talk and laugh happily.  We really have many similarities from our appearance until behaviour.  For this reason, people always think that we are twins although we are not.

Ha, sampai situ jew essay cik kembang.  Tak sempat habiskan.lecturer cik kembang dah suruh stop.  Sori la ye, bab grammar nie mmg cik kembang lomah sikit.  Berterabur ayat cik kembang.  Tapi, takpe lah, cik kembang tetap rase satisfied giler coz dpt tulis something about best friend cik kembang.  So, di kesempatan ini(mcm nk bg ucapan raye plk,huhu), cik kembang nk bgtwu kt bestfriend cik kembang, siti nurellyana yg cik kembang sgt syg kt dy...begitu juga dgn bestfrien cik kembang yg laen iaitu zafirah, siti hajar, nur sakinah and nur syahidah yg cik kembang syg giler kt diowg..susah nk jumpa kwn-kwn sebest diowg...diowg la yg paling best skali dlm idup cik kembang...kalo cik kembang boley siapkan satu essay nie, cik kembang akan cerita sume pasal bestfriend cik kembang dlm essay nie...okey la, tu jew...nanti bila-bile cik kembang continue lg ye...tata~
-cik kembang-

kami bUkan dak sekOlah aG!! cte tntg persahabatan ktorg..xkesah la korg nak kte cte ni boring ke atleast korg tau sape ktorg sebenarnye..<3
ktorg bertiga nie act dr 6 org geng..bukan kte geng ktorg 6 org nie dh cm adik bradik kot..act nak wat 6 org skali dlm lau de 6 org t penig lak korg nak bce..s0..jaz ad 3 org je dlm akaun nie..=)
name geng ktorg SKEMATAI..haha..kelakar gler an..tau xpe..spe ntah cipta kan nme geng nie..tbe2 terlekat lak..ala..dpd nme je korg leyh tau ktorg cmne.,.
cmnie..mse form 1..ktorg mmg bek sgt2 au..perh..tdung uh..mmg la labuh2 sume..mke pon mke bek je..nak dgr sore memekak dlm kelas..uh..mmg xla..
then nek form 2..ktorg makin rapat..n dpd rapat uh..mle la ktorg blaja cm ne nak jdik dak nakal..yela..dlu skema..nie nak tunjuk otai sket..=P..bru nampak akak2 tyme uh cm segan nak tunjuk mle kan langkah ngan berjinak2 tuk ponteng p surau..hsyh..nampak sgt xsesuai jdik isteri y bek..=P
then nek form 3..after pmr..uh..mmg la terejal sgt..dpd skema2 otai2 cket..trus ktorg tuka trademark ktorg.."BOYS ARE TOYS"..tyme uh xd la jhat ske cple byk2..ntah spe2 ktorg lyan je..n ske wat dak2 laki perasan y ktorg ske uh la..n start ponteng perhimpunan..ala..lek je kot..xd la teruk sgt an ktorg tyme almaklum ktorg sk tatatertib uh amat la tggie..kre paling nakal la uh bg ustaz2 n ustazah ktorg..ha..
tyme form 4..terus xmoh men kan perasaan laki tersebar khabar angin yg amat i p*******T???ha..mmg xla..terus ktorg jdik bek..uh??bek ke??etak2..ktorg ktorg tuka trademark len..kami masih budak sebabkan msih dak makin brani nak jdik nakal2..smpao s2 tahap..ktorg kai bju sk n tdung lbuh uh...ktorg panjat tembok lari2 ngan warden asrama..hahahahaha..kelakr sgt tyme uh..cikgu uh ktorg pggil PCK..cik jelita leyh lak hampir2 nak kne tampar ngan dy gre2 pggl dy nme gelaran uh..huh..seb bek..ha...sambung blek kat bab men lari2 uh..tyme uh ktorg men nyorok2 lambt p surau..then ngah pakai telekung uh rami2 jalan2 slow2 lintah umah warden ktorg uh..then tbe2 je dy je..'EH,AWAK!!!!!' ag...bertempiaran ktorg lari,cz dy kejar..perh..tyme uh..mmg rase cm antara hidup ngan mati lau ktorg tertangkap..bygkan esoknye ktorg kne diri kat perhimpunan..malu uh..t surat  disiplin smpai kat umah..huh..naye uh..pengalaman yg mmg memenat kan tyme uh..lari keliling sk ngan kai telekung..malunyEEEEEE..hehe

NIe la antare dak2 nakal yg mke nampak cm dak bek2..=P
tyme form 5 lak..cik siti,cik kembang n cik jelita s2 sgt2 au..wat kan ktorg ag rapat au..n tyme uh gak cik jelita s2 kelas ngan 'ehem2' bahagia la teramat tyme uh..kwn2 ad..'ehem2' pon ad..hehe..ble dh form 5 nie..ktorg jdik bek..yela..nak spm la ktekan..harapan keluarga lak tyme uh ktorg tetap lggar peraturan gak sket2 la kat result spm ktorg..ktorg target nak dpt straight etak=(uh.. la blasannye..pape pon alhamdulillah result ktorg bek2..cemerlag gak la leyh d katekan..=Pn ktorg sume dapt  tawaran U,maktab n matrik..n sume ngah kejar cte2 msing2..wish kami sume berjaye!!=)walaupun ktorg ktorg xpernah lost cntct..n walupun umah ktorg jauh2..ktorg tetap nek bus sme2..tuk jumpe n kuo sme2..kat cnie..cik jelita nak ucapkan..LOVES U ALL SO MUCH!!!cet>tib>mok>fira>ida>rok..n lastly KAMI BUKAN BUDAK SEKOLAH LAGI!!!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

SiTi, KemBanG, JeliTa..

act ak xgeti sgt nak ayt2 mnis jdah sume uh la..nak xnak kne gak cte tntg ak cket2..kte mulakan proses taaruf kte ngan SALAM...
nieP la bilik cik jelita n cik kembag 'tlong' cikgu..=P
besenye ktorg kat 'tlong' cikgu diri kat luo ni..
sje amik udara segar..=)
sweet memories between cik jelita n cik kembang!!!
nme asal cik kembang jelita nie..sebenarnye d 3 org dlm blog nie..nme ni d susun dpd pic kiri korg padan2 kan la aeyh mne s2 gelaran ktorg kat cnie.=P..korg an perasan pic uh d gamba 3 0rg berbaju prep SMKA MAAHAD MUAR..=)bgge cket jdik ex dak uh la..y agak memalukan uh..ktorg x la sealim dak2 mahad y len..almaklum la..punye r nakal..sampai kne black list..xkesah la weyh..nakal2 ktorg..ktorg berjye skrg nie..xpyah ckap la jwtan ap ktorg pegag kat sk uh..mmg cikgu xnak plih ktorg..bukan x ktorg bz sgt..slalu sgt kne p blik guru..dak2 rajin ni kesah tntg cik jelita ngan cik kembang..cik siti dak bek..dy pengawas..ktorg lak.seakan2 mawas ktorg jenis xgedik..sory sikit nak tergedik2 ngan laki or cikgu..ktorg anti "BODEK"..biala kte ikhlas lau nak kwn or wat sesuatu..bukan tuk nunjuk k..uh..ngok..dh tergumpak..hehe..sori..xmksufkan sesape..cume nak story tntg prinsip ktorg bertiga nie..ha..smbung blek sal p blek guru uh..ktorg rajin gak la..nak kate dlm smiggu leyh 2 3 kali msuk blek guru..tlong ustazah or ustaz2 ktorg isikn name kat "BUKU DISIPLIN"..rajin an ktorg..yela..sokong la sikit kementrian pelajaran M'sia weyh...ap gne buku disiplin uh lau kte xpenuhkan..kan, d moral story is..xkesah la org nak ckap kte nie ap..y penting korg wat la ikut kate hatie korg..bukan kate maki dorg..n semoge sukses slalu..amin...=)

malU2 kucinG..!!

hahaha..terasa malu pulak nak cube2 gedik2 tulis blog nie..ag2 dpt kate2 smgt dpd kwn2 yg amat membantu dlm proses pembelajaran nie..=Pye..pd nani..cro..atien..n cici..kate2 yg ak pegang2 "bute IT"..act ak kecik atie gler ble dorg kte g2..yela..malukan ak kot..=P..haha..xd makne nye ak nak touchg..ak bukan xnak tunjuk uh la..ak ni teramat la bz dlm myiapkan "penyata2 kewangan"..n idup ak xkan lekang ngan kalkulator..bukan nak kte ak nie lembab dlm mengira..etakk!!!cume uh la..kdg2 idup perlu kan kepastian n ketepan dlm sesuatu perkara..=)